SSPC VIS 5/NACE VIS 9 Fotografisch reinigen nat gritstralen Maximize

SSPC VIS 5/NACE VIS 9 Fotografisch reinigen nat gritstralen

E-OPT NV 009


Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning
Pictorial Standard shows two uncoated, rusted steel surfaces (Conditions C and D) before and after wet abrasive blast cleaning. Photographs illustrate two degrees of cleaning (WAB 6 and WAB 10) for each initial condition, with additional photos that depict the appearance of light, moderate, and heavy flash rust after cleaning. Also contains a written guide to the use of reference photographs and additional explanatory notes.

Packing list: SSPC-VIS 5/NACE VIS 9 Gids met referentie foto's voor stalen oppervlakken bewerkt en schoongemaakt met Nat Reinigend Gritstralen


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